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Semiconductor Market Performance in Q1


In the first quarter of the year, the semiconductor market experienced a modest decline of about 2% to $151.5 billion, as reported by Omdia. This downturn was attributed to varied performances across different sectors. The consumer sector notably fell by 10.4% quarter-over-quarter (q-o-q), while the industrial and auto sectors also experienced declines of 8.5% and 5.1% respectively. However, there was a ray of hope in the data processing segment, which saw a rise of 3.7%. This growth was primarily fueled by the increasing demand for NVIDIA's chips and other products related to artificial intelligence (AI).

Notably, NVIDIA strengthened its position in the market by expanding its market share by over two percentage points. As a result, NVIDIA now commands 14.5% of the total semiconductor market revenues, surpassing industry giants Samsung and Intel, whose combined market share stands at 18.6%.

Furthermore, the market dynamics were also influenced by the performances of Hynix and Micron, which saw an increase in their market share rankings as the memory sector made a recovery. These developments suggest a notable reshuffling of the competitive landscape within the semiconductor market.

The automotive sector, which had been enjoying 13 consecutive quarters of revenue growth since the third quarter of 2020, experienced a notable shift in trajectory. After a slight downturn of 0.6% in the previous quarter, the sector saw a more substantial decline of 5.1% in the first quarter of 2024, signaling a challenging period for the automotive semiconductor market.

In summary, the first quarter of 2024 brought mixed fortunes to the semiconductor market, with distinct sectoral performances and notable shifts in the market share rankings among major players, all of which indicate the complex and evolving nature of this vital industry.

Semiconductor Market Performance in Q1

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